Are you a victim of the divorce courts in Canada? Divorced and unemployed? Divorced, alone and abandoned by your children? Welcome to "Divorce Hell" a.k.a. "Death Row" compliments of your Canadian divorce lawyer. If this isn't a curse cast upon us through the occult then just what is it? Let's examine the similarities, collaborate and take action to put an end to this demonic activity bestowed upon us by our divorce lawyers.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Travelling Downward on this Journey of Divorce Hell ... ...

Well, it's official!  I've taken another flying leap backwards (or should I say forward) on the divorce trail.  Those golden words came out of my youngest daughter's mouth this morning.  

"I want my freedom!"

In light of this, my youngest daughter, Monica, has decided that it's better to rent a room in an apartment in an Ontario Housing project than to live with her mother who she's barely seen for seven years because, technically, she was abducted by her father, the Newmarket Divorce Courts made sure of it.  She's 21 now and can do whatever she wants according to Canadian laws.  Such a waste of the taxpayers money to have to support young adults who are so welcome in their mother's middle class homes where they would be safe and well taken care of.  Instead, she's been convinced by the people who she now associates with that living in a dump with second hand furniture (bedbugs and all) and eating macaroni and cheese is THE THING TO DO!  This may lead you to believe that she's dumb.  No, she's in extremely poor health and she's being coerced! She wasn't dumb until the divorce happened and the Town of Newmarket got their filthy claws on her and now, what was my family, is well on it's way to skid row.  One day she'll end up on a slab at the morgue and that will be the end of this beautiful young girl who was gifted when tested in Grade 3, just as the lawyers and Judges of the Newmarket Courthouse set it up. And, because they've conquered this Roman Catholic family, these lawyers, Judges, and their families will reach new heights!  It's just a game they play to achieve wealth and stature ... ...

Mother Fuckers!
Father Fuckers!
Child Fuckers!

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